Thursday 7 April 2011

Evalution Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions or real media products?

The music video that I have created for A2 level is that for a indie-folk artist who happens to be a friend of mine. In order to help promote her as an artist I helped create a music video for her, as part of the subject. As an add on to this, print productions for a digi-pak also had to be created. Seeing as the genre the video is being designed for is that of indie-folk genre it was important to capture aspects of the countryside that relate to the roots of the genre. This had come from extensive research into the genre itself and looking at related artists that feature under the genre. Other texts where found on sites such as Youtube, to collect a certain amount of clips that helped me develop a better understanding of the genre as well as conducting research on similar artist that inspire the artist. With these clips I was able to research into the shot types used in the folk artist's videos gaining an insight into how connotations are made, costume idea's, narratives and mise-en-scene. looking into certain events such as the 'Newport Festival' to gain an insight into how artists were generally discovered in the genre within the genre. Folk artists morals are often portrayed through there music and lyrics, I learnt this from through the genre research and research into similar texts. I don't believe I have challenged any conventions of the genre, however I believe that with this music video it has given a new take on the genre like artists such as KT Tunstall and Ellie Goulding have. As for the print productions which were created after the video had been fully edited is indifferent as the images used have be taken from the finished production piece itself. Editing printscreen shots in Photoshop to create a more distinctive image, using a range of effects that improve the image dramatically. I had planned out the digi-pak as rough sketches to start with, however over a couple of weeks the idea's grew in creativity. Idea's were developed from looking at other relevant artists that are similar. Looking at the editing techniques used in on the covers as well as information that is provided on the case. Analysing digi-pak images was a major part of the research I conducted, it gave an insight into what colours to use, fonts and what sort of images to use. For example, for the front panel (cover) I used an image of the artist which is common with the folk genre. When researching into the panels I collected album artworks of folk artists from looking on (Google Images). Artist

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