Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Equipment Listing for recording of the Music video
The use of a Cannon video camera was key to making the video as it was used to record all footage taken to then create the music video.
A tape cassette was required to record the needed footage onto. These tapes were able to record a certain amount of footage.
Used to stablise the camera. The tripods were used to adjust the height f the camera, they were also used for certain shots, such as a tilt shot. This was done through adjusting some of the toggles.
Monday, 6 December 2010
The Newport Folk Festival
The Festival is renowned for introducing a number of performers who went on to become major stars, most notably Joan Baez (who appeared as an unannounced guest of Bob Gibson in 1959), and Bob Dylan, whose first Newport appearance, as a guest of Joan Baez in 1963 having she had made it into the 'Big-time' as to put it.
A significant feature of one the festival billings was that of the joint performance of Bob Dylan with Joan Baez in 1963. In which the pair performed a few songs compaining for the civil rights of many of America's people.
This ties in with my production piece artist as the festival is associated to her genre of music of course being folk. One of her regarded artists of course was discovered at this gig, Joan Baez. Who has inspired the works of Mayenna Plastow-Smed through her lyrics.
Joan Baez
The artist rose to fame from her performances at the Newport Folk Festival in 1959 as an unbilled artist.
She helped to bring the songs of Bob Dylan to national prominence, and has displayed a lifelong commitment to political and social activism in the fields of nonviolence, civil rights, human rights and the environment.
Below, the song "We Shall Overcome" was one of a few songs that Baez performed as part of her actavist movements. The song had originally been derived from Charles Robert Tindley. The original gospel lyrics were then transformed to an actvist song 1950, and fast became a song associated with the Civil rights movement.
Baez also campained for the likes of Civil Rights
Vietnam War, Human rights, Gay and lesbian rights, Environmental causes, War inIraq Opposing the death penalty, Poverty, the 2008 Presidential election and for the rights of Iran's people under the country's dictator like leader.
Monday, 22 November 2010
Discuss Avatars in terms of their social and psychological functions and semiotic meanings
Avatars are used for many reasons. These reasons fall into either social or psychologial gropings for why they are used. Social reasons include a way of communication, when online imagery can be used to portray ourselves in a virtual environment, Protection is another reason. In contrast, psychological reasons include how we wished to be viewed, for the user to project there personality when doing this users will use images or text relating to general interests or hobbies.
In a way, avatars are forced upon us. The need to fit into a socialising site or forum. This can be through the social groups that can be found or the sharing of general hobbies for instance. It is a way of conformaty, a sense of belonging almost.
The use of online avatars provides a whole new social realm for the youth. Often sites such as 'facebook' are used by those of the younger generations, in doing this the youths can also write themselves into a community of being portraying themselves as to how they want to be viewed by others.
The crafting of a users representation allows them show themselves in a better light. This can be done through editing images etc: The idea of the social voyeurism is a huge factor in the online society that it becomes obsessive in how we control it. Others view other profile pictures or avatars to judge that personels character or personality.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Bob Dylan - Blowin' In The Wind
This video by folk artist Bob Dylan was written as a protest song against war.
The lyrics are as follows: "How many roads most a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned?
The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
Yes, how many years can a mountain exist
Before it's washed to the sea?
Yes, how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
Yes, how many times can a man turn his head
Pretending he just doesn't see?
The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
Yes, how many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind. "
From the lyrics above it is easy to see that the artist uses metaphorical language to describe some of the horrors involved with war. The use of rhetorical questions within his lyrics put forward the artists views. These rhetorical questions called also be seen as questions put forward to American govenment members. Possibly questioning the end of the suffering that occurs from war.
Monday, 15 November 2010
The Ideology of Bob Dylan
early lyrics incorporated a variety of political, social and philosophical, as well as literary influences. They defied existing pop music conventions and appealed hugely to the then burgeoning counterculture.
Dylan and his parents were part of the area's small but close-knit Jewish community however, for a period during the late 1970s and early 1980s, Bob Dylan publicly converted to Christianity (America's largest faith) . This has often been seen as to what affected the style of music and the motives for the releases.
The artist has also used many of his lyrics to take jibes at the state of political affairs, some regarding war and the countries welfare.
Considering that the artist is of a simular genre to that of my chosen artist, It is key to note her ideology in her songwriting. In the Song the idea of love is a major factor.
The idea of love can surround the ideology of relationships and bonds, in a way this is voicing her opinions upon something regarding this. Her lyrics could give a possible insight into what the artist has put up with.
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Below is the reccomended digi-pak net

It it shows the required measurements for the design of any CD case and print productions.
In all digi-paks all posssible panels are covered, this includes the flaps.
Front panel
which is used to ad

Back panel
Often on this panel the designers put the track listings as well as the referencing to the copyrights. Barcodes are also found on the back of the case. As to is the record company logo to whom the artist/band is signed to.
Front Flap
Consists of having the CD reference number, the album title and again artist name.
Back Flap
Like the front flap, it consists of simular information
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
"Suddenly I See" by 'KT Tunstall"
This video by indie-folk artist KT Tunstall is the first release of her debut album. The video is all performance based. However it features a lack of fundamental relations to the genre of music she performs. Simple things to pick up on are that of the instruments being used in the performance based video are that of the acoustic guitar and bass guitar. Often within the genre acoustic guitars are often seen being played. The main focus of the video is that of the main title artist, to capture her from many different different camera angles to ensure she is the main focus of the video. In this performance based video, close up shots of the instruments show that this video belongs to the genre.
A modern concept has been used for the video, it appears that the use of 'Blinkers' create a use a sense of illusion and light. Often the use of 'Blinker lighting' are used for effect at live events, ie: gigs. Which again relates to the performance. The use of the faux lighting is more frequently used during the chorus which corresponds to the lyrics "Suddenly I see".
An alternative video was also produced for this song ("Suddenly I See"). This video however captures a more mainstream aspect of the artist, to somewhat put herself 'out there'. The video uses a lot of animation to create a 3-D world surrounding the artist.
The artist is performing in the video. However in this version of the video the artist is not performing her instrument, the guitar which she is renowned for. The music video, like the one above is lip-syncned. The animation within the video that makes the scenery contradicts the genre of indie-folk. The large city landscape is very American-based. Which goes against the roots of the genre and against the genric bristish folk aspect.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Instuments Surrounding The Genre

The banjo is a stringed instrument with, typically, four or five strings, which vibrate a membrane of plastic material or animal hide stretched over a circular frame. Simpler forms of the instrument were fashioned by enslaved Africans in Colonial America, the roots in which the genre developed from.

Acoustic Guitar
An acoustic guitar is a guitar that uses only acoustic methods to project the sound produced by its strings. This the instrument that is played by the main focus/lead singer of a folk band. Often many camera angles focus around the instrument.

The violin is a string instrument, usually with four strings tuned in perfect fifths. It's high pitch has a contrasting effect to that other instruments. The violin is sometimes informally called a fiddle, regardless of the type of music played on it. The use of the violin creates a more sorrowful and dramatic effect.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Shooting Scheldule
Monday 25th November is a designated shooting day as to is the 26th November, the Tuesday of half-term.
At some point location shots will be taken during the week, likely to be the Saturday of the half-term.
If any other additional filming is required, the artist is likely to be willing to film, providing the weather is ok.
Shooting locations for "Down This Rabbit Hole"
The weather will be a contributing factor to the shoot as either of the possible weather conditions will be neeeded for shhoting. Sunny as many shots can be produce some dazzling landscape shots. However this effect can be also be replecated with an over-cast day. The darker light could also create a sorrow like effect to work with the lyrics, which are somewhat mellow.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Analysis of location shots
Below are images of some of the areas the farm has to offer for shooting.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Possible Idea around Shooting
Often asociated with the indie aspect music is that of city landscapes, however these could be used with countryside shots, to give the variation of the genre.
Seeing as the the song is fairly mellow, the autumn season would provide some decent weather shots and get the concept of nature and season involved. The colours of the foliage of leaves would create a sense of emotions. The aspect of nature would also tie in with the idea of nature, relating to the folk genre.
Background history To Mayenna Plastow-Smed
Her material is recording within her own home, using basic recording programmes. She is currently in the process of creating an E.P album to try and her promote her music.
Monday, 11 October 2010
Research into artist genre
Indie folk is a music genre that arose in the 1990s from singer/songwriters in the indie rock community showing heavy influences from folk music scenes of the 50's, 60's and early 70's. A few early artists included Lou Barlow, Beck and Elliott Smith.
Artists that she aspires to are the likes of "Ellie Goulding", "Mumford And Sons.", "KT Tunstall" and many other artists. Often with folk music, the acoustic guitar instrument is often a symbol of the genre. The majority of folk video's will feature a soul performance based on the artist. The Modern concept of adding additional voice overlays, sythesisers.
The roots of the genre was introduced through folk music from diffrent cultures. In which it is often thought that the genre originated with black settlers in America, bringing there cultur to the Americans. This concept of music was then adapted into many diffrent genres including Jazz and of course Folk. Which in later time has developed into a popular genre.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
"Down This Rabbit Hole" - Mayenna Plastow-Smed
The lyric's are as follow's:
"You shone when all my light was gone
A colour burst on my grey canvas
Sent your warriors into my heart
And you conquered me with a tactful art."
"But shall you stay by my side
Awaken me to each morning's light?
I've given you my entirity
For you have won me over truly
With your charm and your might
And your eyes just like the night
You stole my heart away from the tower
Invaded my thoughts at every hour"
"Bashful smiles and adoring glances
A leap of faith, but I'll take my chances
Stomach in my shoes as I feel the drop
Down this rabbit hole, all lonliness forgot"
"But shall you stay by my side
Awaken me to each morning's light?
I've given you my entirity
For you have won me over truly
With your charm and your might
And your eyes just like the night
You stole my heart away from the tower
Invaded my thoughts at every hour"
"Yes you did"
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Structured Narrative for video (old idea)
The basis of our video is going to be based around the idea of the 'Pigeon Detectives' video for "I found out".
The visuals will begin before the music
Begins with few cultural signifier shots of Norwich (Cathedral/castle/etc:). Up until the music begins the lens is unfocused. Close up of foot, when the drumbeat from the song starts the foot is seen tapping, The camera scrolls up to show the integrity of the costume of the indie kid up until point of neck (our genre of music). The character walks up a long pathway in Chapelfield gardens, stands on the Promenade. Close up of hands on railing tapping to beat of track. Shot of character looking into foreground face cannot be seen.
A female character walks past, catching the attention of the male characters
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Research into target audiences (Indie-Folk)
Find your tribes implies a sense of restricted awareness to the youth movement in identity. The preset questions and tick boxes only lead to preset examples of a certain identity for example "chav's". However an identity can change depending on character and personality. The generic stereotypes made by the site amount to nothing whoever in some cases it may do.
The idea's of Maffesoli's "Time of Tribes" resembles a more realistic approach to the ideology of tribes within youth culture. He has stated that the tribes are deciphered but what brands, music and thought the concept of celebrities, wanting to be someone your not). Mass culture has depended and many new groups have formed others, sub-genre groups have also been created. In accordance with this social is existence is high in calibre, when socialising. Tribes are seen to many as a way of socialising, for they may have general issues or interests in which others deem appropriate to them.
Powerpoint on Indie-Folk

This powerpoint gives a detailed ananlysis of what the target audience. This shows the lifestyle arrangement of the fans that follow the genre.
Often associated to those of the Indie-Folk genre are those who would catagorise themselves into the 'Indie Scenester's' or 'Indie Kids'. Main diffrence in contrast to those of the other 2 groups as mentioned above is that of slight clothing changes. For example, those following the indie-folk genre are seen wearing items often associated with the countryside. These items of clothing include dungarees or straw hats. Some that follow the genre are often seen carrying a guitar on there back.
3 Simular artists in relation to the genre...
The 3 artists I am going to look at in this part of the analysis are all of the same/simular genre of course that being indie-folk.
The artists are all of which female solo artists that have released albums since the year 2000. These artists are 'KT Tunstall', 'Laura Marling' and 'Ellie Goulding' all of which are songwriters and produce their own material.
KT Tunstall
KT Tunstall is a scottish female artist of the indie-folk genre. She has released 3 studio albums which have all been very successful. She is considered to be, if not the best British Folk artist. The main audience of hers is that of females aged between 16-40. They Tunstall appeals to her younger audience members via her internet sites, myspace and her own offical website. This artist interacts with her audience in many ways. It has been known that the artist has done public signing for fans at stage venues, where she performs after gigs. Her perfomances are another another way for her fans to engage with her.
Laura Marling
Soft vocaled, folk artist Laura Marling has recently stormed the folk scene. Her main audience like KT Tunstall is younger females. Like the majority of artists she to has websites and forums which can be accessed by fans. Gigs are performed by the artist across to the country, so that fans can interract with the artist during live shows.
Ellie Goulding
2010 break-through act Ellie Goulding released her debut album 'Lights' in March. Her folk based songs featuring acoustic rifts and sythesisers easily address her audience, those being teenagers/early 20's in both sexes. She has been on tour this year to engage with her evr growing fanbase. Having only been signed in the recent year she like KT Tunstall, she gained recognition for her work online on youtube and myspace.
The site Myspace and Youtube allow users to access the favoured artists music video's and tracks by streaming both the music video's and tracks.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Idea's for casting
Often asociated with the indie aspect music is that of city landscapes, however these could be used with countryside shots, to give the variation of the genre.
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Mumford & Sons - 'Winter Winds'
This music video my British indie, folk band "Mumford & Sons". The video for this the song 'Winter Winds', is a contempary video which represents the idea of a British video. This is shown through the choice of location, the use of lighting and other aspects. The choice of location shows the generic British landscapes. The conventional shots of the of the lead singer walking through the fields fit in with the the genre type, that being the folk genre. The band themselves fit into the genre very well. This is shown through the instruments that are played. (Banjo, Acoustic guitar, Accordion) all of which are iconic to folk music. And have been at the forfront of the genre. Lighting used in the video is all natural apart from the inside shots which are taken to show the bands more light-hearted side when touring showing them to be in a small and dainty British ale house. This made made clear from the close-up of the glass of ale.
Costume surrounding the indie-folk genre

The picture on the left demonstrates A plain white sleeveless top or vest with a free flowing, high waisted skirt.
Dungarees are often portrayed to be worn by farmers, those in which can be related to the style of folk music roots. In more recent times they have been accepted as a more feminante piece of clothing. All denim design clothing is seen as stylish and ideal to fit the genre fashion due to it's simplicity.
A trend within the genre is that of Cowgirl boots. They fit in with the cultural aspects of the genre.
Some artists like 'Ellie Goulding' have a tendency to wear high waisted shorts, which have grown in popularity in iconic clothing stores such as Topshop.
Costume for Characters in music video

The artist has decided to wear a retro design t-shirt with a a black leather jacket over the top.
She has decided to wear a pair of acid print jeggins which is an modern trend to the folk genre.
To complement the outfit the artist has chosen to wear a pair of shoes, which have a sheep wool lining on the insides.
Possible filming locations
Research into the local Norwich music scene
Local band "The Kabeedies" impressed in a scheme ran by the EDP (Norwich) to find new talent at a gig At the 'Lower Commons Room' venue, UEA. They competed against 9 other of Norwich's British talents, winning the event and an opportunity to be signed up by NRone Records. The band have since then being signed up in 2009 to having a a successful album which has featured in the national indie album chart. And features on the shelves on some major music branches such as "HMV". Certainly one of the most successful bands in the city "The Kabeedies" have influenced other local bands such as the indie-pop sensation of "We Can't Dance" who are set to follow in the footsteps of the local hero's. The band have supported there counter-parts on numerous occasions having broken through. The band were discovered as part of a scheme ran by The Norwich arts centre.
However the most recognisable band is that of "Deaf Havana" despite being from King's Lynn they classify there hometown as Norwich when playing headline shows. This band are often featured on the cover of large mainstream magazines. They've featured on Kerrang on a few occasions. Their debut album was a huge success when released which charted well in the national rock chart.
Venue's in the city have billed many large acts over recent years, which promotes their music futhermore with live performances. Venue's in Norwich include:
-The Waterfront
-The Marquee
-Norwich Arts Centre
Larger acts are more likely to play either the UEA or Waterfront. In contrast to this smaller or breakthrough acts are more likely to play the Arts Centre. To gain a repruttion in the Norwich scene, unsigned bands book dates for the other local small venues. These usual include the B2 In Sprowston, Arts Centre or Marquee.
Monday, 13 September 2010
Research into the genre "Indie-Pop"
Often found within the Indie-pop sub-genre is a similar sound,key characteristics are jangling guitars. Over the years this has changed to a lot to a more lively-upbeat sounding manner, in the modern day, synthesizers are used quite often, however some bands have warded away from the and stuck with the 60's/80's based melancholy rifts.
Background history to "We Can't Dance"

Since then the band forming in 2009 they has gained a large reputation for there live shows, and released E.P "Gary Doherty". The E.P title track also debuted in the indie top 40, appearing 40th after it's release in
The band have gained a large reputation for their live shows. Their first large scale event was as support to fellow local indie-pop band "The Kabeedies". Since then they have sold out many of there gigs in Norwich and around the country.
The band has been featured on the BBC radio 6 introducing show and have also been played on the introducing show on BBC radio 1. The band are on myspace at
The band are still currently unsigned and looking for a label.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Research into a British band of general interest
Genre: Minimalist / Alternative / Pop
Basic Information
Foals are a 5 piece band from Oxford, England. They are currently signed to “Transgressive Records” in the UK and “Sub Pop” in the USA. They released their debut album “Antidotes “on 24 March 2008 in the UK, and 8 April 2008 in the USA.
Band Members
Yannis Philippakis (Vocals and guitar)
Jack Bevan (Drums)
Jimmy Smith (Guitar)
Edwin Congreave (Keyboard)
Walter Gervers (Bass)
The band Foals are marketed through different websites including their own ( The other being the music and socializing site Myspace ( The bands Myspace address is Through both these sites fans are able to access the tracks. Other sites such video sharing sites such as Youtube ( Fans are able to access official music videos that have been released by the band. Tracks are available to download through a host of different websites. These include the bands own website, others may include ITunes ( for example.
The band’s songs are played on radio broadcasters such as BBC Radio 1. Their music was first played on a BBC introducing show, a timeslot where new music from all different genres’ can be heard. As well as being heard on the radio, music television channels such as NME Television via Sky broadcasting and occasionally on Sky channel MTV2.
Their debut album Antidotes was released on 24 March 2008 which was sold in record shops such HMV. Whilst online sales of the album through sites such as ITunes. Their next album “Total Life Forever” is due out on May 10th as the follow-up to “Antidotes”. Other formats their albums have been released on other than 6” inch Disc and Mp3 format include vinyl. To coincide with the release of their new album they have promoted their new album by launching an interactive website, which enables the user to sample the sound of the new album whilst making images. When the image is complete lyrics appear.
Antidotes was produced by Dave Sitek of TV On The Radio one of the bands influences.
Foals band members also citing minimal techno, Arthur Russell, Kraut rock bands such as Harmonia, Talking Heads and marijuana as their main sources of inspiration. Their musical style however, can be more directly linked to various genres such as indie rock, dance-punk, math rock, post-punk revival and techno.
Lyrics to "You Don't Know" by "We Can't Dance"
Verse 1
"You'd better run cos' their coming for you
It's about time you changed all you're views
You'd better run cos' their coming for you
It's about time you changed all you're views"
Chorus 1
"You don't, you don't, you don't, you don't know
You don't, you don't, you don't you don't think
I've got, I've got, I've got the solution
To end, to end, to end this thing.
You don't, you don't, you don't, you don't know
You don't, you don't, you don't you don't think
I've got, I've got, I've got the solution
To end, to end, to end this thing."
Verse 2
"Give me a minute, to gather my thoughts
and I'll give you an hour, to gather yours
Give me a minute, to gather my thoughts
and I'll give you an hour, to gather yours."
Chorus 2
"You don't, you don't, you don't, you don't know
You don't, you don't, you don't you don't think
I've got, I've got, I've got the solution
To end, to end, to end this thing.
You don't, you don't, you don't, you don't know
You don't, you don't, you don't you don't think
I've got, I've got, I've got the solution
To end, to end, to end this thing."
Verse 3
"Got an idea, well good for you
Bet you any money, that it falls through
Got an idea, well good for you
Bet you any money, that it falls through
Got an idea, well good for you
Bet you any money, that it falls through
Got an idea, well good for you
Bet you any money, that it falls through"
Selection of Band
The song title "You Don't Know" is the chosen song we shall being producing a video for. Possible idea's for the the production piece will be uploaded as soon as possible.
The aim is to create a production piece that promotes a British artist/band that are unsigned therefore it was only suitable to support a local band that interest me. The band "We Can't Dance" are suitable as i have a fond interest in their genre of music, Indie-Pop.
We had chosen two artists we wanted to do to produce a media piece for, The other artist being a local one to Norwich, a solo-artist going by the performance of "Microchip". A Melodic, trance artist also from Norwich like our chosen band. Each of the tracks could easily of been interpreted into many diffrent ideas, howver we believe it is easier to create a production piece for "We Can't Dance".